Welcome to the Saskatoon Christian Assembly
A welcome awaits you. We are a group of Christians who love God, have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and believe in the inspiration of the Bible. On the site, you will discover both what we believe and why we meet together. Enjoy your visit.

We meet at the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall
131 La Ronge Rd, Saskatoon, SK S7K 5T3
Meeting Schedule
9:30am Lord’s Supper
10:40am Children’s Sunday School /Adult Bible Session
7pm Gospel Testimony
7:30pm Prayer and Bible Study

Gospel simply means Good News and that’s exactly what this is…

Sharing the Gospel At the heart of evangelism is the command of the Lord Jesus to His disciples: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

Bible Topics
Learn core biblical topics that are broken down to be more understandable. Dive deeper into an understanding of Salvation, Discipleship, and Fellowship. We hope this will provide you with the necessary knowledge to better understand these critical topics.
Connect With Us
Email: [email protected]