Meeting Schedule

If you are new to the community or just thinking about checking us out, we extend to you a warm invitation. We are a group of Christians who meet together to preach the good news of God’s salvation, worship, pray and study the Scriptures. The Bible teaching and preaching is given by those within the local Church whom the Lord has gifted.


9:30 am  The Lord’s Supper

At the request of the Lord Jesus the Lord’s Supper is observed by the Christians on the first day of each week.

Without prearrangement, the meeting is open for men in the Church fellowship to lead the congregation in praise and worship.  This is followed by the taking of the bread and the wine by the Christian in the Church fellowship.

The service concludes with announcements.

(Luke 22:19-20, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)  To learn more watch this video.

10:40 am  Children’s Sunday School and Adult Bible Session

Following singing the children go into age-appropriate classes for a Bible lesson and activities.

The Adult Bible Session is Bible based teaching.

7 pm  Gospel Testimony  

The gospel is the good news of salvation.  A speaker will present a gospel message about God’s way of salvation – the need to repent from our sin and put personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Acts 20:21)



7:30 pm  Prayer and Bible Study

Current Study – Book of  Revelation

Wednesday nights we meet to pray and study the Bible – a Book of the Bible, Bible character, theme or doctrine.

(Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)